Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Five Organizational Myths

You Must Have A Personal Planner
A personal planner is used to organize your personal/business appointments & activities. It is very organized to have all your information documented in one place for a reminder, planning your day or to prevent double scheduling. However, you can use a tablet, a 3 ring binder, online calendar or a desk calendar to document your information. Just make sure to document your information in one place and house it in the same place each time within arms reach to prevent losing it and allows easy accessibility.

You Must Operate With A List
This works like a gem for some but if you do not like list, especially the “to-do” list, because it seems to get longer daily, don’t create a list. Write down your goal or intended outcome, and then make appointments with yourself to complete the action.

You Must Follow A One Size Fits All Time Management System
Time Management is self management, managing you around time. We are all given the same amount of time, 24 hours in a day, but we differ with peak performance levels. You may be a morning person and find that you tend to focus and accomplish tasks well in the morning; someone else is better focus during the noon time hours. We each manage our time differently therefore this is no one solution to time management that will fit everyone. You must learn the tools, change any negative mindsets regarding time (ex. there just isn’t enough time in the day for me to get it all done), work efficiently, prioritize and make it all work for you.

You Must Always Maintain A Clean Office Desk
A spotless desk with no clutter is wonderful for any business owner; however, there are times when the cluttered office desk happens. During those times, make sure projects do not get mixed together, put loose papers in files and label the files, so if it needs to be on your desk it is an orderly pile. If possible, designate an organized cluttered space a distance away from your everyday space, for example, do not have it near the telephone so that you are not tempted to read over information while speaking with a customer/client.

You Must Have A Digital Organizer
Everyone is not techie compatible, so it is okay to have an offline organizer. I love my Blackberry, but I also love my Franklin planner. Electronic hand held devices are handy and offer many features, however use an organizing system that works best for you. If you do decide on a digital organizer, always have a backup system just in case you have any technical difficulties.

© 2007 Bridgette Boudreaux



Teresa M said...


I really enjoyed this post because I do think sometimes that people feel that they have to follow ONE particular way of doing something, especially time management. I have learned for myself what works and what doesn't work well.
For instance, for a long while I did like using a planner. However, when I started my virtual assistant business it didn't work as well for me. Now I use a more simple method (spiral notebook) to write down my list and I use my Google calendar for appointments. That is what works for me.
For me, a list is what I really enjoy using. However, I have modified that as well to a system that I like. What I do is only write down 6-7 tasks that I really wish to accomplish in one day. When I have completed each task I place a big check mark next to it (visual affirmation of accomplishment). I feel that as long as these tasks are completed...I have done very well for myself for that day. Now, if I have more time and/or wish to accomplish more for that day, then I add to the at a time.
And the clean desk...I do try and keep my desk makes my time more productive, however, I have been known to pile papers for a few days but I don't let it get overflowing at any point....too distracting and messy for me.

Thanks Bridgette for this post.


Teresa Morrow
Key Business Partners
Virtual Assistance & Online Promotion for Coaches, Speakers and Writers

ShellyH said...


I saw your post over on Classy Chics! Great blog with lots of informative content! Excellent job!

Jessica said...

I think you have some interesting tips on here that others should really think about when it comes to organization! Thanks for sharing!

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