Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Left To Tell

I just finished reading: Left To Tell by Immacule'e Ilibagiza for the second time. I recommend this book for all to read. This book is a life changer. The book outlines how Immaculee discovers God amidst the Rwandan Holocaust. Immaculee and six other women hide silently for 91 days in a cramped 4 ft. x 3 ft. bathroom of a local pastor, escaping the terrors of the Hutus during the Rwandan genocide. That is 91 days without showering, eating scraps from the pastor occasionally and in silence!

During her captivity, Immaculee used her "TIME" to pray, discover God and increase her faith and learn the English language from books she requested from the pastor.

This book changed my life, increased my faith, discover true forgiveness and reinforced my belief of using time wisely to accomplish dreams, and to prepare now for future miraculous days.

What do you do with your time? Are you wasting time complaining about unfortunate events, procrastinating, dreaming without actions? Stop, read this book. Remember time is our most valuable resouce. How do you spend your time?

This is a great read! Go out and get this book. If you already read it, I would love to hear your comments.

Always soaring,

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